My Personal Notes on John

My thoughts, wonderings, connections to other references in the Bible.
Chapter 1
- Isaiah 6:8
- Genesis 1:3,6,9,14,20,24,26
- Colossians 1:16
In Him was Life, 1 John 5:12
What is the difference between calling myself a Christian and being an authentic Christian?
Receiving Christ into our inner being. Receiving His Life. Has a new birth occurred?
Who has a right to be called a child of God?
Lamb of God
- Isaiah 53:7
- 1 Peter 1:19
- Revelation 5:1-14
I wonder if Jesus wants disciples today? What would it cost?
Chapter 2
2:1-12 First miracle – turning water into wine
See map to know where He was. See this map of Israel today –,+Israel/@32.856646,35.58231,11.62z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x151c17fb0f89d5e9:0xa91847e6f9c7b1dc!8m2!3d32.88033!4d35.573307
- You can look for Cana (spelled Kanna today) and Capernaum
Here is a link to a video of Capernaum.
Here is a link to a drive to Capernaum.
2:13-17 Why did Jesus get angry? Would He get angry today?
2:18-22 When would His disciples understand what He was talking about?
2:23-25 It looks like Jesus didn’t need anyone’s stamp of approval.
Chapter 3
Nicodemus, a very good man, was not good enough. He could never be good enough. He knew that Jesus had something that he did not have, something was missing in his life. Jesus said it wasn’t in his being good, but in being born again. He had to become a new person through birth. Compare 3:16, 3:7, and 1:12.
Being not doing.
A new life was needed. There is a difference between our life and LIFE that can only come from God.
Numbers 21:4-9 Fourth book in the Old Testament
God sent His Son into the world to save people from sin.
Who would be condemned? Why?
John the Baptist – increasing/decreasing
LIFE – Who has LIFE?
Chapter 4
Life and living comes up again with Jesus being the source.
4:10 living water
4:14 life
Who were the Samaritan people? Here is more on the Samaritan people.
What time was the 6th hour? Bible clock
Chapter 5
More on LIFE. This is more than just being an alive, breathing, thinking human being. Jesus wanted and still wants to give LIFE.
- 5: 21 The Son gives Life
- 5:24 Those who believe receive Life
- 5:39 Life is not in doing
- 5:40 Many were not willing to come to Him to receive Life
Chapter 6
- V. 33, 35, 40, 68 all mention Life
- Jesus asked the disciple if they were going to leave like everyone else.
- They must have seen something special in Jesus; they wanted to stay
- Who else would have words of Life v. 68
Jesus begins using the I Am descriptions of Himself v. 35
Chapter 7
This was during the fall before His crucifixion.
Jesus is stirring up controversy. If it were today, Twitter would be lit up with comments.
His brothers didn’t believe He was the Messiah. Lots of discussion about who Jesus claimed to be.
V. 28,29,33 Jesus said He was sent.
Feast of Tabernacles – explained by Amir Tsarfati of Behold Israel.
What do you think?
Chapter 8
8:1-12 What did Jesus tell the woman that was looking at execution?
What did Jesus say He was? And what would happen to those who follow Him?
One thing that stood out to me after reading this chapter a couple of times was how Jesus was comparing Himself and His lineage with who the people were.
- Humans came from humans. 8:33, 37, 39, 41, 44, 47, 53, 56
- Jesus came from God. 8:38, 42, 49, 54, 58 See also Exodus 3:14, John 1:1-2
- Two races of humans, separate
So it is not what we do but who we are. Birth determines identity.
That is where a new birth comes in. Jesus said that we need to be born again, to be born into His lineage, the family of God.
Not what we do, but who we are. John 1:12, Ephesians 2:4-9; Romans 8:9b, 16-17
We hear the quotation, “You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.” But what is the complete quotation? 8:31-32
Chapter 9
This whole chapter is about a man born blind that Jesus healed. What a ruckus that stirred up. I wonder what it would be like to never have seen, then all of a sudden I had the ability to see. Wow!
Why were the religious leaders upset?
Chapter 10
Jesus the Shepherd, the only door, through Jesus is salvation.
Do the sheep follow whoever hollers at them? He gives them life 10:10, 28. There is that word again LIFE. They were already alive with a living, breathing body and a mind, will, and emotions. But spiritually we are dead without the LIFE of Christ. Cut off from God. Scary.
10:14 reminds me of Matthew 21-23, 10:26-27
The thief is obsessed with destruction.
Jesus want to give us Life abundantly. What are some synonyms of abundant?
Some have blamed the Jews for the death of Jesus. Is this true? Did Jesus have a choice?
Can anyone snatch the believer from His hand?
Uh oh, they want to stone Jesus again. Why were they mad this time?
Chapter 11
The story of Lazarus takes up most of this chapter. Here we run into that word Life again in verse 25. It must be very important to Jesus.
Why did Jesus let Lazarus die? 11:14-15,42
Many use verse 25 during a funeral, but I think Jesus meant much more than that.
- John 11:25
- Luke 9:23-24
- Matthew 16:24-25
- Romans 6:1-11
If we see what happened on the cross, the burial, and the resurrection it will change our lives. We were there with Him. Our old nature, who we are apart from God, died with Christ and we are to live a new resurrected life here and now. Wow! Just think on those passages, marinate in them allowing those truths to take root and produce fruit.
If you want to explore this deeper I’d suggest checking out Grace Fellowship International. They have much teaching and resources on this topic besides conferences and workshops throughout the year. I was privileged to attend a workshop Aug. 2016 in Tennessee. It was great!
The religious leaders are getting desperate. What to do with Jesus? What was their motivation? What were they afraid of?
It is now about a week before Passover, which is about where we are in our calendar. This year Passover begins April 9.
Here is a link to teaching on the Passover by a Jewish Christian.
Chapter 12
Mary saw Jesus as worth an expensive gift which begs the question – how much is He worth to each of us?
Palm Sunday is a reminder of 12:12-19. All of those fans. Where were they a few days later?
12:20-26 Jesus explains how death can bring fruit. If we die to ourselves God will be free to use us. Fruit comes after a seed falls into the dirt ad is buried. When it sheds its shell, the seed can sprout and produce a plant with fruit.
12:27 Why did Jesus come? To be a good teacher? To show us how to live?
12:35-36, 46 Jesus speaks of walking out our daily life in darkness apart from Him. Compare with Colossians 1:13.
12:42-43 Secret believers. Why the secrecy?
12:44-50 Did Jesus have His own agenda?
Chapter 13
Servanthood and betrayal
13:1-17 Jesus didn’t back away from His destiny. Knowing who He was, where He had come from, and where He was going He became a servant. The co-creator became a servant. See Matthew 20:28 John 12:27
13:18-30 Betrayal
See Luke 22:3-6, 47-48 and Matthew 26:47-56; 27:3-10
13:31-35 What would following His new commandment reveal?
13:36-38 Sad prediction
Chapter 14
John is the book of I AMs. Can you find the 5 I Am statements so far? 10:7, 10:11, 11:25, 14:6 and one in chapter 15.
He is us-we in Him. 14:20 What a relationship! Let that sink in for the next month or so.
14:27 His peace that passes all understanding Philippians 4:6-7
14:28 Even though He and the Father are one, He laid aside that privilege of deity when He came to earth. Philippians 2:5-8
14:30 Thought provoking
14:31 That the world would know what?
Chapter 15
Jesus develops the thought that He began in chapter 14 of being one with the Father and one with us. He in us and we in Him.
15:1-4 Jesus is the vine. We are the branches.
Jesus lived out the key to the Christian life. He had God in Him. 15:5
A branch cannot produce anything apart from the vine, right?
I looked up the meaning of abide and this is what I found –
to remain; continue; stay; to have one’s abode; dwell; reside; to continue in a particular condition, attitude, relationship
Check out these verses to see how the Father lived through Him, how He did nothing of Himself. – 8:28, 14:10, 20,
15:4-5 He tells us the key to the Christian life.
15:9 How much does God love Him? How much does Jesus love us?
You might want to see what these verses say – Colossians 1:27, 2:9-10, 3:3, 2 Corinthians 4:7
15:11 Why did Jesus tell them those things? This reminds me of Psalm 89:15-16
15:18-27 Then a final thought about how believers would be treated and why – Believers will be hated just like people hated Jesus because they do not know God.
Chapter 16
16:1-4 The disciples would be persecuted because the persecutors do not know God.
16:5-15 After Jesus leaves this , He will send the Holy Spirit to guide and teach them. Rule of thumb – Everything the Holy Spirit does or says will always glorify Jesus.
- He is going away – crucified
- Most will be glad
- Disciples will be sad
- But…He will rise again and they will be full of joy
- No one can take their joy
I am reminded of how Andrew Murray describes joy – Joy is always the evidence that something really satisfies me and has great value for me.
My guess is the disciples would know after the resurrection that Jesus was truly who He said He was. Their faith would be vindicated. They had staked their lives on who He said He was and after the resurrection they would know for sure.
16:23-24 encouragement to ask
- V.27 for the Father Himself loves you – What a statement!
- V.33 They will have troubles and pressures, but not to worry, Jesus overcame the world.
Any thoughts on that last verse?
Chapter 17
Chapter 13-17 Passover meal
Chapter 17 – Prayer of Jesus at the end of the Passover/Last Supper.
17:1-5 Life is mentioned again in verses 2 and 3.
What is eternal life? V.3
V.5 compare with John 1:1-3, Colossians 1:15-18, John 1:29, Revelation 5:8-14
17:5-19 prayer for His disciples
17:20-26 prayer for other believers
Father, Jesus, and believers are one. Why? V.23
17:24 What an awesome relationship Jesus had with His Father.
17:26 Jesus wants the believers to have in them that same love the Father had for Him.
God wants us to know that He loves us as much as He loved His Son! Romans 5:8
John 14:23, 15:9
Chapter 18
Comparing descriptions of the last hours of Jesus’s life.
18:1-11 Matthew 26:36-56
18:12-14 Matthew 26:57-58
18:15-27 Matthew 26:69-75
18:28-38 Matthew 27:11-14
18:39-40 Matthew 27:15-26
This whole event was not out of the control of Jesus. Remember? John 3:14, 10:15,17,18; 12:27; 18:11.
Three times in this chapter Jesus says, “I am He.”
For the same phrase see: John 4:26; 8:24,28,58; 9:9; 13:19; 18:5,6,8 and Exodus 3:14
Chapter 19
The day of the Crucifixion.
Here are some references to prophecies about His death:
Isaiah 53
Psalm 22
Zechariah 11:12
John 19:1-4 Matthew 27:27-31 Jesus abused
John 19:5-16 Pilate’s decision
John 19:17-24 Matthew 27:32-44 Luke 23:26-43 King on the cross
John 19:25-27 John instructed to look after Mary the mother of Jesus
John 19:28-37 Matthew 27:45-56 Luke 23: 44-49 Jesus dies. It Is Finished!
The Father turned His face away. He could not look on His Son who was not filthy with our sins. 2 Corinthians 5:21
Jesus cried out in agony, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”
I personally think that is what Jesus had been agonizing over in the Garden of Gethsemane. He knew the worst was yet to come before it was finished. But then He gave up His spirit to the care of the Father. This perfect relationship they had had for eons was now sacrificed for us.
John 19:38-42 Matthew 27:57-61 Luke 23:50-56 Jesus is buried.
The Collision of God and Sin by Oswald Chambers
Chapter 20
20:1-10 Empty tomb, body of Jesus is gone.
Mary Magdalene ran and told Peter and the disciple that Jesus loved.
Disciple that Jesus loved? I believe that Jesus loved them all equally, but one, John, knew that Jesus loved him. What a position to be in! To know!
20:11-18 Jesus reveals Himself to Mary Magdalene. Imagine yourself in Mary’s place and Jesus called your name.
20:19-23 The disciples are afraid of the religious leaders when Jesus appears to them.
20:24-29 Thomas recognizes Jesus as God.
20:30-31 This record was written that we might believe.
In believing, we would have Life in His name. There is that word Life again.
We who are already alive still need that Life to be spiritually alive to God, to be part of His family.
Chapter 21
21:1-14 Third time Jesus appeared to just the disciples.
Why were they fishing?
John was the first to recognize Jesus in the early morning light.
I wonder what they had been talking about through the night as they waited in vain to catch some fish.
21:15-23 Jesus speaks to Peter.
What are the three questions Jesus asks Peter?
What are Peter’s three answers?
Three questions to remind Peter of his three denials?
A humbling process.
A revealing process.
A focusing process.
22-23 emphasizes a personal relationship with Jesus not comparing oneself with another Christian in their walk with Jesus; Jesus asks each of us to follow Him, not a denomination, not a church group…Him.
24-25 Not all Jesus did was recorded.