Choice or Default – Do we choose or slip into default?

Allowing default requires no effort on our part. Choice requires thought and purpose. Choose to allow Christ to live through you. Don’t let your default setting, your old nature, rule your life. It may lead you away from your savior.
When we choose not to choose our choice is made by default. As believers, our natural self is constantly warring against the life of God in our spirit. If we make no choice – we choose. Natural self by default wins.
It’s true. If we don’t listen to God speaking to us in that still small voice, we choose. If we ignore Him, no choice allows the default setting of our natural, carnal nature to take over.
Many days, months, and years of making no definite choice allow our default setting to lead us farther and farther away from God. If we stay focused we will make choices rather than drift.
In both the Old Testament and New Testament we are warned to cling to him. He has only our good in mind. He loves us. Loves our children, our grandchildren, and our friends. He loves our siblings and parents. We don’t have to concern ourselves with those we hold dear. He loves them more than we do, if that is possible and, of course, He does.
So what about ourselves? What will be our choice today? Walk with Him or ignore Him? Will we drift away or be diligent in our pursuit of God?
“But, I’ve tried before, and I’m not strong enough,” you say. I understand that sentiment. I’ve been there. Deciding if I should try again or just ignore it for another day.
I understood that Christ was my savior saving me from my sins. He gave His life to pay for my sins. I got that. I asked Him to be my savior. I was made right with God. I got that.
But…how to live for him? What about Monday morning? What about when my patience is severely tried? What about when the driver in front of me annoys me? What will keep me from drifting away? What will keep me from giving up?
I remember the day I gave up trying to be a good Christian. I knew I had a savior to save me from the penalty for my sins. That day I apologized to God for failing and said I needed a savior to live my life for me. I just couldn’t do it myself. I didn’t know at the time that was what He wanted to do for me all along. And that is just what happened. He started living through me without my trying at all.
Have you come to a crossroad in your life? A time to make a decision? Do you not like where you are going and want to make a change? Maybe you don’t want to choose because you know it will be futile. Choose, instead, to allow Christ to live through you, living for you. Don’t try to be strong. Be weak. Let Christ live for you. Our mistake is looking inward for the ability to live for God. There is nothing good in us the Bible says. Why do we continue to look there? We only see failure, pride, pain, and many times a cold heart.
Do you see it now? Let’s not look inside, to ourselves for the ability to live for God. It isn’t there. That is why we need a new life in us. We need a savior again. One to save us from our sinful nature, our tendency to sin.
Let’s look to Jesus for the ability to please him. It is His strength, His resources, His abilities that we need. He asks of us and then provides for us. That’s so awesome. Let’s respond to His tender love for us.
Let’s join Paul saying, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.” Galatians 2:20 We died, were buried with Christ and rose to a new life in Christ. He has freed us from the domination of our sinful nature.
Is your Christian journey a struggle, an uphill battle? Pray this prayer with me –
Heavenly Father, when Jesus died, we died with Him, freeing us from our natural self. And, we rose in Him to a new life. Please reveal that truth to each of us so we will have the courage to choose to let Jesus Christ live through us. Amen
Words to light your path –
2 Corinthians 4:10 …that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. NKJV
2 Corinthians 2:14 Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ. NKJV
Romans 6:13 And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. NKJV