Encounter With God

Only an encounter with our Creator can calm the restlessness of our inner being. Not just any emotional fulfilling experience, but a true encounter with the Ineffable One. The Forever One. The Holy One we can’t comprehend.
The only all-important experience of a believer is an encounter with God. A life-transforming encounter where life is never again the same. Where we have been completely undone. Any hope in self is destroyed and Jesus becomes, of necessity, everything.
Then, and only then, will we be complete. Then we will know. Then we will see clearly.
Without a true encounter with God we are whistling in the dark. Pretending all is fine. But feeling alone. Trying hard. But feeling disconnected. Empty. Alone in our heart.
“A true encounter with God lifts us above everything we can know, and we begin to pierce that Cloud of Unknowing and come into the presence of God.”
AW Tozer, Delighting in God, p.19
we can know, and we begin to pierce that Cloud of Unknowing and come into the presence of God.”
Average Christian life
Sitting on the throne in control of our life, church becomes so much rhetoric. Singing – trying to work up feelings of assurance or joy. Praising loudly, trying to drum up feelings.
Spinning prayers-all is good because all got dutifully prayed for. Disappointment follows when we don’t see an answer. A healing. A provision. A change.
Encountering God. My first prayer for each person is a transforming encounter with God. Nothing else matters in comparison. All will flow from that. Healing of emotions. Mental health. Fruit of the Spirit, evidence of His indwelling.
It is the one experience that is essential, vital, fulfilling, brings inner peace, reveals our destiny, and centers us. Do you want more than the average Christian life? Will you join me and go deeper in God?
Enlighten us, O Holy Spirit. Reveal the Holy Son of Man to us. Expose our sins. Sin of withholding part of ourselves from You, sin of not loving You with all of our heart, soul and might. Sin of complacency. Sin of not seeing You. Not listening to You. Going our own way. Doing our own thing. Living our “Christian” life as we see fit.
Convict us, O Holy Spirit, until we are crushed under the enormous knowledge of how sinful we are. Expose our arrogance. Expose our pet carnalities. Many of us aren’t even aware of these sins in our lives. You want to bring us cleansing and freedom. Wholeness. Spiritual health. Mental health. Joy!
Oh, show us You and we will be undone like Isaiah (Isaiah 6) and John (Revelation 1:17). Where we can’t stand, but fall in repentance. May even the children comprehend.
O God, be merciful and answer this prayer. May I live to see it. Amen
2 thoughts on “Encounter With God”
Thank you for this good or devotional. The accompanying image is also so beautiful. Amen to that prayer.
Thanks, Aritha. I appreciate your comments.
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