Your Calling-Bearing Fruit

This is part one of a four part series this week. Short, quick thoughts each day on bearing fruit.
John 15:8 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples. NKJV
Did you know you have a calling from God? It is very simple, and yet impossible in our natural abilities. Contrary to what some Bible teachers and writers would tell you that God wants to fulfill your dreams, bless your plans or “me” in general, this new life isn’t about “me”. It is all about Him and His purposes. He tells us that our purpose is to bear fruit.
That calling, your calling is to bear fruit. That calling is only fulfilled by allowing the Holy Spirit to have complete access to your life. A branch cannot be partially connected. No closed doors. No areas closed to Him. All is open to Him.
How is God glorified? This verse tells us by our bearing much fruit. That seems to be the goal of a believer’s life. Bearing fruit. That is how we glorify God the Father.
Our life will be fulfilling, joyful and significant. In losing ourselves in serving, in bearing fruit, we find our life.
More tomorrow. Have a blessed day!