He Will Return

Acts 1:11 “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.” NKJV
“His name above all names shall stand, exalted more and more at God the Father’s own right hand where angel hosts adore,’ William H. Clark, “Blessed Be the Name.”
When Jesus ascended in front of His followers that day on Mt. Olivet, they were astonished. I would be astonished if I saw a person begin to lift up from the ground. His feet hovering a foot above the ground and then continuing to go up higher and higher. Jesus ascended higher than the buildings. Higher than the trees. Higher than the temple.
As He kept going up His disciples stared at this wondrous event. Even when He completely disappeared from their sight in a cloud, they kept staring. Then angels appeared to them and asked what they were staring at. They encouraged them with the promise that He would return the same way He went away.
We have this glorified man in heaven preparing a place for us. He is interceding for us. He is there. A real man is there in space somewhere. And a real man will return.
Every day I look up at the sky and imagine Him appearing right before my eyes. I keep looking for Him. And it encourages me to know that there is a real man up there somewhere waiting for me.
O Father God, I am looking for the return of Your Son. What a day that will be! Amen