Elusive Joy

These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. John 15:11 NKJV
We sing the song “The Joy of the Lord is my Strength”. Yet if asked, many would say they don’t have joy. I’ve been there. Have you?
Joy doesn’t come from experiences, relationships or things. It is very elusive. The more we want it the more it slips away from us until we become very unhappy.
Joy is something that is a byproduct. It is not meant to be the goal. In fact, it is the result of something that we probably find unattractive. How can something that appears bad result in joy?
That is the paradox. What looks uncomfortable yields joy. Now that doesn’t make sense, does it?
Jesus was teaching His disciples that if they would obey His commandments (all) they would prove their love for Him. And if they love Him so much that they would deny themselves all the time and walk in childlike obedience He would manifest Himself to them. His joy would be in them. And they would be full of joy. Full. Not just an occasional blessing. Not just a passing feeling. Full.
Turning from being driven by self to follow Him in complete obedience yields joy. If only we would let go enough of what we hold on so dearly. Not needing to have anything but Him. But we don’t believe it. We don’t believe He is that good. That denying ourselves the right to anything could be a good thing seems preposterous. Incredible. We can’t comprehend it. Satan is certainly not going to allow us to believe that without a fight. He does His best to get us to doubt the goodness of God.
I believe there is an abundant life awaiting us, that is promised to us if only we were brave enough to jump. To deny me. To completely follow Christ.
Words to light your path this week
John 10:10 I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. NKJV
Prayer – Lord Jesus Christ, open our eyes to see what a joy filled life You have for us if we would only let go of all to follow You.