Are We Missing Something On Our Faith Journey?

Could we be missing something, maybe a great experience in our walk of faith? We want to walk in His will. School graduates want to know God’s will for their lives. Many believers want to know they are daily walking in His will. But how to know? Dare I say, do we need to know the big picture?
Are we so fixated on discovering God’s will for our lives that we miss life? Are we so concerned about becoming all we were meant to be that we aren’t able to live it out each day?
Kind of like missing the trees for the forest, or something like that. We are looking for the goal, the big picture, but we don’t enjoy the steps of the journey.
The big question to many graduates is what does God want for my life? They are sincere and mean well. Then, when they believe they know His will, they set out to accomplish it. Do you see the problem? They set out to accomplish it. Not allowing God to work it out through them.
Pastors suffer burn-out because they have taken on the responsibility for their ministry. Meaning well, they set out to do His will in their own strength (with His help, of course.)
God wants to do it. He wants only that we walk with Him each day allowing Him to live through us. It’s not so much what we do but how we do life. See Romans 12 to get an idea.
So what are we missing? The walk. Simply that. The daily step by step journey in His presence. If we would walk and live in His manifest presence with childlike obedience He will guide every step. In obeying Him, we live out His will for our lives. We become His will.
With God in control of our circumstances, He will be guiding each step, each interaction we have with other people, every phone call, every email, etc. As we read the Bible we learn more and more about how we should live.
In the process, we will get to know Him more and more as we enjoy His presence each day, and He enjoys our presence.
We’ll be available and listening as He guides our steps. There is no stress to accomplish anything. It is God working out His goals through us. To those who love Him enough to obey Him, He will manifest Himself and lead them each day.
What a treasure! What an awesome experience!
Prayer – O God, may we realize our journey is made up with many steps, many moments. May we live our daily lives in Your Presence as obedient children so You can live out Your plans for us. Amen
Words to light your path this week:
2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight.
John 14:21 He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves My will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.
Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.