Journey of a Lifetime

Are you part of the born again people? Did you know it is a journey? Did you know it isn’t a once done decision to follow Jesus Christ. It is a relationship with Him. A relationship requires interaction. Communication.
Jesus Christ is a person to follow, to adore. He is fascinating. We want to know more about what He is like. What He thinks. What He feels. What are His goals,His purpose.
It is a private relationship between you and God.
Would you like to begin a journey getting to know Him? Would you like to have Him as your savior? Maybe you don’t feel you need a savior. You feel you are confident to stand before the Holy God, King of the Universe as your own defense. Wow! Not me.
I don’t want Him saying, “Be gone, I don’t know you.” That is a forever sentence.
Would you like to accept Him as your savior and begin this journey with Him? He will wash away all your sins and the dirt left from those sins. He will place His life in you. Then God will recognize you when try you stand before Him. He will see the life of His Son in you. Then you won’t be rejected forever.
He has given Himself for you and to you. Will you entrust yourself to His care? Will you give yourself to Him? You aren’t good enough? True. No one is good enough. All have been stained by sin. No one is worthy of such kindness from Him. We will never be. I’m so glad we don’t have to earn it.
It doesn’t matter your age, nor your character. He will create in you the person that brings a smile to His face. That isn’t your job.
If you have been born again, He is waiting for you. He is nearby. Did you know that? He is closer than the chair you are sitting in. Join Him. Take this journey with Him. The Christian life is more than being born again, it is a lifelong journey.
Entrust your life to Him. Start this walk with Him today. You won’t regret it. A private relationship with the King of the Universe. Just you and God. A private friendship. Just you and Him the rest of your life.
It is that simple.
Prayer–My Savior, help me see that when I accepted You as my savior it was only the beginning, not the final goal. Today I choose to follow You, to walk with You the rest of my life. Amen
Words to light your path this week-
1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Is Christianity a Lifestyle? Or is it more?