When Words Are Inadequate

There are times when it seems words of praise are inadequate. The songs of worship fall short of God’s majesty. Worship choruses can fail to express our praise to the King of the universe, whose kingdom stretches beyond the far reaches of the universe.
God, who has always been and will always be, deserves so much more. But the “more” I am unable to give. I don’t have the words that are worthy of His hearing.
He is worthy of so much more. When He has our hearts, when He reigns from that throne, still it’s inadequate.
All I have to give Him is not enough. It is but the minimum. The least I can offer.
Oh, to be able to give Him praise that He is worthy of. My words seem so lame and defective.
Maybe the English language doesn’t have words that adequately praise God. Language is so poor for such an endeavor as this.
Sometimes silence is best. Just pure silence from a quiet, adoring heart.
Words to light your path this week –
Revelation 4:9-10 Whenever the living creatures give glory honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever.
Exodus 34:8 So Moses made haste and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshiped.
Prayer-O God, I fall before You as an expression of my heart when words seem so inadequate. When they are not enough. I’m sorry I don’t have majestic words to meet the need of my heart to speak to You. Words that You deserve. I trust You to know my heart and all I want to express. Amen