A Life With Purpose

As believers, our lives have a purpose. Our everyday lives have a divine purpose. It’s not just another ho hum day in a believer’s life.
We aren’t simply church going people vs. those who don’t go to church. Our life is not one of religion, or religious activity. Having our names written in the Book of Life isn’t all there is.
Apostle Peter tells us in his first letter, chapter two that we are a chosen people, holy nation, royal priesthood, and a people for a possession. That takes our life to a definite higher level than our ordinary life.
Then in a later statement he tells us that we are people of God. We belong to Him. Did you get that? We belong to Him, He owns us. There is much privilege in that statement, as well as much responsibility.
In the first chapter of that letter Peter tells us that because God is holy, we are to be holy. Living holy lives as God’s servants.
I don’t see where we have an option. But, who would opt out of such a privileged position? This is for Monday-Friday, as well as Saturday and Sunday. We serve Him with every morning we go off to work, with every meal we cook for our family, with every sock we wash, with every five minutes of undivided attention we give each of our children.
It is Monday-Sunday with every yard we mow, every trash we take out, and with every dollar we set aside for Him.
We serve Him with every ride we give someone who needs it and with every phone call we receive from someone who needs to feel significant.
As I was visiting with God on my walk, He showed me that we serve the King of the Universe. What higher calling is there? To be His voice, His feet, His hands. To love, to cry, to give support for Him.
No, we aren’t simply churchy people. We are His people! We are His servants, His priests ministering for Him and serving others for Him.
Oh King of the Universe, may we always remember what a privilege it is to serve You with everything we do.
Words to light your path this week-
1 Peter 1:15-16 but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” NKJV
1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people NKJV
1 Peter 2:16 but living as servants of God ESV