Chosen – God Chose You

You have been chosen!
God has chosen each person and predestined them for an abundant life as a member of His family. Sadly, most will not respond. Most will say “maybe later”. Or they simply don’t want Him.
But think of it. The Almighty Creator of the entire universe wants you to be His child and He wants to be your God. Eph. 2:19
Your God. The One who will never forsake you no matter in what circumstance you find yourself. He is already there to walk with you through it. Heb. 13:5
Your God. The One who has promised all kinds of spiritual blessings for you. Eph.1:3
Your God. The One who gave His Son as a ransom to set you free from the clutches of the evil deceiver. Col. 1:13
Your God. The One who promised that nothing and no power or person can take you from Him.
Your God. The One who enjoys doing nice things for you. Ps. 23
Your God. The who has infinite mercy and kindness. Ps. 145:8-9
Have you responded to Him and made Him your God? I pray that it is so.