Trusting God

Trusting God is only possible by keeping our eyes on Him. The larger Jesus is in our field of vision, the smaller is everything else.
Psalm 56:3-4 When I am afraid, I put my trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid.
We will be less anxious. Fretting will flee. The storms will cease to frighten us.
Believing He is in control of our circumstances will enable us to surrender to His will, to His touch, to the trials He allows. He is sovereign and has His own ideas and plans for you.
Difficult times are allowed to drive us to Him. He wants you to totally rely on Him (not on yourself or others) and trust Him with your life and all that makes up your life.
Have you decided to trust Him completely regarding a specific circumstance in your life? Will it be acceptable if it turns out differently than your plans?
How about taking one step in this life of faith today. Know this – We can trust Him.
Have you found Him trustworthy?
I have. O the joy of finding out He is trustworthy!
O God, my Father, enable me to trust You completely and not focus on the negative voices I hear. Amen