Faith to Believe God – Prayer As I Walked

Father in Heaven,
We pride ourselves on being grown-up, not childlike in our faith. Children can imagine things. They can believe things. We lose our ability to imagine as we grow up. There is so much in Your kingdom that we don’t see or imagine. We are so temporal minded. You want us to be child-like in our faith.
Your kingdom is accessed by faith. Results of our prayer are seen by faith, by seeing beyond what we can see, by believing Your word is true. The Bible is not just empty nice-sounding words, phrases or guidelines to live by.
In the Gospel of John 14:9, the words of Jesus are recorded, “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.” Help us to live as if those words are true because they are true whatever we feel or don’t feel.
When You said something like “always causing us to triumph” You meant those words. They are true.
You said we would be more than conquerors. More. This is true. It is not wishful or hopeful thinking…… and if it is not visible in our lives, it is still true.
When we don’t believe You, we are saying You are a liar. That must be a slap in the face.
Heavenly Father, help us to seek Your face so we get to know You. Help us to read Your word… and read Your word…and read Your word…and talk with You until these things become a reality in our lives. If we would each lose our life and seek first the kingdom of God and Your righteousness we would find the Life You promised, we would find it more wonderful than we could have imagined. Help us, God, to have faith.
Help us have faith.
Help us to trust You.
Help us to read Your word.
Stepping out in faith makes true the statements about You and about us, giving substance to Your words.
All the negative we have heard, seen or experienced blocks what Your word says. Oh, that I might step out in faith and believe Your word,
believe that You are who You are,
believe that You love us.
You really, really, really love us. You care about us. You care about what has our heart, what burdens our heart. You care about that. You showed me that you are compassionate.
You, O Lord, are revealed to us by faith. We are told to live by faith. As we begin by stepping out and believing one statement about You at a time You will be revealed to us. Amen
Words to light your path:
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. NKJV
1 John 5:4b And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. NKJV
2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight. NKJV
Faith is the victory…even your faith…believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.