How Do I Know God Has Forgiven Me?

How do we know we are forgiven?
Let’s take a look at what the Bible says.
This is what I discovered. God’s forgiveness is based on one thing, and one thing only.
God’s Forgiveness Before Christ
Exodus 12:1-13 The blood covered all who were inside. There were no exceptions. No one was too sinful, too bad, and no one inside was exempt. Once the door was shut, those who were inside didn’t see the blood, it wasn’t for them to see. The blood, a sign of their faith expressed by their obedience, was for God to see. It was what He was looking for; it satisfied Him. Before Christ’s death, blood sacrifice covered sins for one year. Hebrews 9:6-9
God’s Forgiveness After Christ
Jesus took His blood, shed on the cross into the Holy of Holies of heaven and presented it to the Father. It was enough. Hebrews 9:23-28 Hebrews 10:1-14
Today, whoever places their trust, their faith completely in the efficacy of that blood of Jesus and His sacrifice have their sins forgiven, washed away. No one is turned away, rejected, or unwelcome. All who come are saved.
We don’t see the blood. It is for God to see, and it satisfies His demands. It is enough.
There can be no earning acceptance. That would devalue the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Would we dare say that His shed blood was not enough or that we could somehow do something to help out? Really?!!
It is a precious gift that can only be accepted or rejected. That is our choice.
If it satisfies God, then who are we to question its effectiveness, its sufficiency? God set down the standard and created the requirements totally apart from us. He did it all. He is satisfied. We are forgiven.
How to receive God’s forgiveness
- What do we have to do?
- Could it be our sincerity?
- Could it be how many times we confess?
- Could it be how many prayers we recite?
Accept Christ as your savior. John 1:12. When we see our need for salvation we need to confess our sins and turn (repent) to accept Jesus as our savior and follow Him. God sees the righteousness of Jesus. God sees the blood. Our sins are hidden. Covered with the blood. Washed clean.
If we sin after we are born again God gives us a way to be forgiven. 1 John 1:7-9.
When Satan accuses us of our confessed sins and failures we can feel secure because God is on our side. We don’t need to hide from God hoping He won’t remember what we’ve done or said. The blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin.
God stands with us opposite the devil. The shed blood puts God on our side. He isn’t on the devil’s side listening to his accusations and watching him point his finger at us. Oh no, God is on our side. We can securely face our accuser knowing his accusations are without merit. When we feel accused, we can simply look to Jesus who cleanses us from all sin and know we are clean.
Words to light your path
Romans 5:8-9 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood we shall be saved from wrath through Him. NKJV
Do you see what good news this is? There is nothing we can do except confess and believe, it is out of our hands. God is satisfied with the blood.
Lord God our Redeemer, Thank You for making the way to be forgiven so simple. It cost You so much, yet it is free to us. Thank yYu so much.
For more on this topic:
Forgiveness – Based on the Spilled Blood of Jesus
The Precious Blood of Jesus by David Wilkerson
The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee He has a very good explanation of the efficacy of the blood of Jesus in chapter one. Such good news!
The Normal Christian Life from Thriftbooks
Here are two versions of the same song for you to enjoy.
Nothing But the Blood by HeartCry Worship
Nothing But the Blood by Hannah Holland