A New Past

A new past. A clean past. An empty past. If you are in Christ, your past is covered by the blood of Jesus and you are wrapped in His righteousness. You see, He is able to completely save you, to go as deep as needed to wash away your sins. Hebrews 7:25. Nothing left unsaved. Nothing left stained or dirty. No sin left unforgiven and washed away. Your past is gone.
Dead to the past
When you were born again and baptized into Christ Jesus something foundational and life-changing occurred. You were baptized into His death. Your old nature, your former way of living apart from God died with Christ. Whatever is in the past is dead to us. Covered by the blood of Jesus. It is gone. It does not define you.
In Christ, when you look behind you to your past you will see emptiness. Your past is gone. That is how God sees you. (I will explain how this is possible in the next post.) You are hidden in Christ wrapped in His righteousness. You now have His life, His eternal life and that covers all your past.
Take a look behind you. Yes, you will probably remember all the bad, but look again. It is covered with the blood and life of Christ. It is white, washed, completely clean.
Past memories
You probably have bad memories of your past, but they no longer define who you are. They have no hold on you. You are a new creation. Old is gone, all is new. You aren’t who you’ve always been.
You are alive from the dead. Count yourself dead to the past dominated by sin and failure but alive to God.
Deny yourself. Take a look at your past, then turn from it and walk away. From this day forward follow Jesus. Look forward. No reason to dig up the past. It is meaningless. Discover the new you each day, as you present yourself to God as alive from the dead.
Words to light your path
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. NKJV
Romans 6:13b …but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. NKJV
Prayer, Lord God, help us to see how You have taken care of our past and made it clean. You see no reason to accuse or condemn us because of the death of Your son, Jesus. Thank you so much.
Forgiven – More Than Forgiven, Washed Clean
A startling message by John Woodward
Can You Use a New Past? by John Woodward and Charles Solomon