Forgiveness – Based on the Spilled Blood of Jesus

Forgiveness based on what?
Forgiveness from God is based on the blood of Jesus. No sin is too bad. Jesus’ blood is enough. That is what God looks on, not the sin, but the blood of Jesus. He doesn’t base our forgiveness on our character, the badness of our sin, nor on how we’ve tried to atone for it by doing good. It is not based on how good we are in every other area of our lives. Nor does it have anything to do with how sorry we are. It has nothing to do with us. We will never deserve forgiveness.
Forgiveness is not based on feelings, nor is it based on merit. In God’s eyes, sin is sin. All sin is the same because it is based on the original sin of living independently of God, making our own choices. Being lord of our lives.
Let’s look in Exodus at the time of the Passover. What happened? What did it show us about God’s forgiveness?
Exodus 12 describes what the Hebrew people were to do to escape death that night. In verse 7, it says that they were to take some of the blood from the slain lamb and put it on the doorposts and lintel above the door.
Forgiveness is based on shed blood
Why? Verse 13 says, “Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.”
That is where the name Passover comes from. They were to stay inside, covered, so to speak. The blood wasn’t for them to see. It was for God to see. God saw the blood and was satisfied.
So it is with us. Jesus shed His blood as He died on the cross. All our sins and sinful nature died with Him. It was so bad, God had to look away. His holiness couldn’t stand the sight of so much sin.
Now when we accept Jesus as our personal savior the blood is applied to us. God looks on the blood of Jesus and is satisfied. Our lives are hid with Christ in God. So God looks on Jesus covering us and is satisfied.
Do you see how there is nothing we can do to earn salvation? We can never be good enough. That wasn’t the basis for salvation. It is all of Jesus. It was what He did for us that counts. What a gift!
God’s forgiveness is big enough for all
No sin is too bad for God to forgive. Why? It isn’t based on the depravity of our nature. It isn’t based on how heinous the crime. It isn’t based on how much penance we do. We can promise to do better over and over; it will make no difference. We can’t do anything to earn it. It is a gift. Every day. Every time we sin.
It is based only on the shed blood of Jesus. When I came to God sincerely repenting of my sins, the Just God looked on Jesus and pardoned me. If you come sincerely repenting of your sin, He will look on Jesus and pardon you. The blood of Jesus satisfies Him, something we could never do. Isn’t that the best news ever?!
Do we deserve it? No. But, that is what makes the mercy of God so highly esteemed. So precious. A treasure.
Why do we need forgiveness?
We have sinned, become stained, unholy. Missed the mark. Me. You. Everyone. No one is exempt. Not even Mother Teresa. Each human being since Adam and Eve has chosen to ignore God and has done what they wanted. Everyone has broken at least one law one time. That is all it takes.
James 2:10 For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.
That pretty much includes everyone, right? I mean, who can keep all the ten commandments all the time?
God, the holy one, reaches out to us, the unholy, with forgiveness. It is no light matter for Him to forgive. It cost Him dearly. His son earned forgiveness for us. He paid the price that we might be forgiven. That is what God wanted the Apostle Paul to preach to the people as mentioned in Acts 26:18.
Have you experienced God’s forgiveness? If not, what is hindering you?
Words to light your path
Romans 5:9 Much more then, having been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.
Ephesians 1:7 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.
1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.
Before the Throne of God I Stand is a perfect song for this topic.
Watchman Nee explores this further in the first chapter of his book The Normal Christian Life.
See also – My Utmost for His Highest November 19.
Loving, merciful Father, I am so grateful for Your forgiveness. I didn’t and don’t deserve it, but I accept it. I ask that my friends reading this post would experience Your forgiveness. Thank you.