My New Year’s Wish for You

My New Year’s wish for my friends is that each of you would be enriched spiritually. How can you be enriched? Read God’s word. Join me every day in reading the Bible, our source for our spiritual enrichment.
If you aren’t a regular Bible reader, you are starving yourself. It feeds our spirit and provides an unshakeable foundation to build our lives on. It is part of our spiritual armor – the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God enabling us to fight unbelief. It teaches us who God is and who we are in Christ. That, alone, can greatly impact your life.
Let this new year be a beginning of spiritual growth. If you haven’t read it this past year, set aside 10-15 minutes daily to read it. Be it a page or two. Take stock of how you spend the hours given to you each day and see if there aren’t a few minutes that you can take for spiritual enrichment and so fulfill my wish.
If it has been a few years since you read more than a verse here or there, refresh your memory by reading it through. If it has been many years, let this be the year to find out what you’ve been missing. It has so much to offer.
Psalm 119:130 “The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple.”
As you take stock of your life and set priorities for the coming year, set Bible reading at the top of the list. Begin January 1st. How about starting with the letters from Peter? The word of God is the perfect guide for life.
Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet, And a light to my path.”
How about some help to keep you going? I’ve designed a study outline and questions that will guide you through the Bible providing you with a fundamental knowledge of the Bible.
In studying the Word, you will become acquainted with God. Does that interest you? Would you like to know what he is like? Get to know more about him this year. Maybe even get to know him personally.
May your year be blessed!
Words to Light your path – Psalm 119:104 “Through Your precepts I get understanding.”
Gracious Father, May reading and meditating on Your word become a priority in our lives that we may find all the wisdom You have for us. Help us to desire to know You more by reading Your word. Amen