Perspective – Who or what has our attention?

Could it be that we have it wrong, a wrong perspective of what a believer’s life is? From a believer’s viewpoint, what is a Christian life about?
I think we have it wrong. I must listen for clues in dialogues, phrases, sermons and teachings.
2 Corinthians 5:15 says we no longer live for ourselves but for Him who gave His life for us. Is that what I am hearing? Is that what I am reading?
My impression of a believer seems to be 1. born again, 2. trying to live a good “Christian” life, 3. life is blessed, 4. We can pray to God to help them when life gets rough. Ok. Does that sound fairly accurate? That sounds like me-oriented. Not what Paul describes in the above passage.
Prayer – O God, it is about You. All about You. We are nothing. You are everything. We can only live if we lose our lives. But we don’t lose our lives. We hang on to our life with a tenacious grip. That, of course, is the world’s way.
It is about losing our lives in service and obedience to You. Losing our life in denial only to find it in abiding in You. Abiding in obedience and service to You giving no thought to me.
There we will find joy. There we find the promise of abundant life.
Our prayers are not for us primarily. Our prayers are about Your kingdom, Your glory.
How backwards we have it. Even our songs may not worship You.
But when the flavor of our journey is about me, blessing me, making my life better, it is backwards. It is wrong. It is like a toddler’s view of life. We need to see this and desire to grow up so we can be focused on Your kingdom. You promised all we need for life and godliness. If we seek Your kingdom first, You would take care of our essential needs.
Jesus went away leaving us with the command to do His work empowered by the Holy Spirit. Life is to be about doing the work of Jesus. Living not for me but for Him. Always, not just occasionally.
O God, may Your Holy Spirit teach us and may we be teachable. Amen
2 Corinthians 5:15 that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.
John 12:26 If anyone serves me, him My Father will honor.
Romans 6:10 but the life He lives, He lives to God.