Praying Privilege

O Lord, help me to understand what it means to be one with You which You spoke about in John 14 and 15. How being one with You makes me one with You in intercession too, a praying privilege. Show me how to make Your prayers my prayers because the Father always hears You.
And something even more incredible, help me to be so one with You that my prayers become Your prayers. That part is so astonishing! I would never, in all my life, even consider that possibility. What a privilege!
I can imagine how shocked the apostles would have been hearing those words. It was unheard of under the old covenant.
Even today, how many have heard of such a possibility? It is astonishing! We spin our prayers and sometimes with faith receive what we ask. For the most part, our prayers go unanswered.
But Your prayers are always answered because You always please the Father. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 7:25 that You always live to make intercession for us.
When considering this, I search my heart before speaking to You. What words do I have to pray that You would take those words and make them Your words? That I would be so one with You that the motive is the same – to glorify God.
I see most as empty words. I want to be very selective in my words of prayer. I must be very aware of whether or not we are one. Am I truly abiding in You? Or how much does self flavor my prayers?
As I stand before the throne of God the Father, I need You, Jesus, to stand with me. Our words matching. Our motives matching. As if one. God the Father would respond to my praying in Your name. Your name carries authority. What a privilege!
Without You, I have no right to be there.
Hebrews 7:25 …since he always lives to make Intercession for them
John 15:16 …so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it you.
Prayer- Holy Spirit teach us how to pray as one with our Savior. Amen