Is God Worshipable?
Do we see God as worthy of worship?

What is God like? Do we consider Him worshipable? Is worshipable a word? Adorable is a word which means worthy of being adored.
Adore* – to worship or honor as a deity or as divine; to regard with reverent admiration and devotion; to be extremely fond of—Is He adorable?
Worship* – reverence offered a divine being or supernatural power; also an act of expressing such reverence; extravagant respect or admiration for or devotion to an object of esteem, to honor or reverence—Is He worshipable?
O God, how can we worship You acceptably if we don’t find You worshipable? We worship You out of duty. We know we should. You are the Great Almighty God. But for many, it is not personal. They haven’t found you adorable. They have been disappointed in You. No fault of Yours, only ours. But the disappointment is there nevertheless.
O Holy Spirit, enlighten us to see God. Show us Jesus. Show us the Father. How can we worship You worthily if we don’t have a reason. A personal reason. A feeling of extreme gratitude, of finding You to be all Your word claims to be. God is looking for people to worship Him in spirit and in truth.
We can’t worship without reason. May we see the reason, O God. Please help us. We are helpless to worship correctly without the Holy Spirit guiding us. Please show us what to do so that we can see how adorable You are. We cannot worship You properly, acceptably without a reason. Please help us. We fail miserably.
We are grateful for all You have done for us, but we need to know more about Your character so we can worship You for being You.
Our worship at best is insufficient and at worst it is carnal. It needs to be in spirit and truth. Please show us how. Please reveal Yourself to us as much as we humans can take.
We aren’t enthralled with You. We aren’t entranced with You. We aren’t fascinated with You. Why? Please show us. Show us what is wrong. I want to perfectly love You and worthily praise You.
May the Holy Spirit shine on our hearts that we might know more about God. More about Jesus. I pray that the Holy Spirit will teach us to worship in spirit and in truth. That He will lead us to the throne with a proper attitude. Of honor, respect, fear, humility and gratitude.
Maybe we need to take time to contemplate Your attributes. I think the next several blog posts I will attempt to share some of God’s attributes which I have learned by reading Tozer’s “Knowledge of the Holy”. You can listen to it on YouTube if you wish or purchase a copy. I will briefly share only highlights of each chapter.
When I read it for the first time, it seemed to draw worship from me. I saw more and more reasons to worship Him.
John 4:23-24 But the hour is coming and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth; for also the Father seeks such as his worshippers. God is a spirit; and they who worship him must worship him in spirit and truth.
The Darby Bible
*Definitions of “adore” and “worship” taken from Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, 1985.