Your Calling -Bearing Fruit pt 4. A warning

Bearing fruit pt.4 A warning
This topic of abiding in Christ has its example in the life of Jesus. John 15:10 Jesus says, “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in His love.”KJV
And He warns us in verse 6 what will happen if we don’t abide (keep His commandments) in the vine. We will be cast off. Into the burn pile. Discarded. That doesn’t sound good. In fact, we don’t want to read those words as they are. We want to make excuses, find ways around those words. I don’t know how.
And in a previous verse, verse 2, it says that every branch in Jesus that does not bear fruit is taken away. But the branch that bears fruit the Father prunes it so it can bear more fruit. So even a little fruit is good. The Father will carefully tend that feeble branch, prune it so it can be healthy in His kingdom to bear even more fruit.
Don’t say you aren’t fruitful enough. Let God decide. He will tenderly take care of you if you look to Him for all you need. He will make you more fruitful. He looks on your life, as insignificant it may seem to you, and smiles. He is pleased that you are looking to Him for your life, your nourishment. You will grow into perfection, completeness if you keep your eyes on Him.
Monday I will share a bonus thought, a reward for abiding in Christ. Blessings