A Personal Gift from God

This past Monday God gave me a special gift.
It didn’t seem like it at first. It seemed like a big inconvenience. We lost power at about 6pm. Our supper meal, sweet potato and black bean chili, was staying warm in the crockpot and the cornbread had just finished baking. So all was good in that respect.
There was no storm. No freezing rain coating the power lines. No strong winds to take down trees that would break power lines. No reason for the power outage.
About 7pm it came to my mind that the sky was clear of clouds and it was really dark outside with no street lights, yard lights, etc. No artificial light at all. Then I realized this was what I needed to see the sky.
I went outside to see what I could see of the stars. Wow! Wow! Just beautiful. So many stars. Millions of stars. We can normally see the main stars of Orion for instance, but that night it was full of stars. It was beautiful.
I just stayed out as long as I could just taking it all in. It was magnificent! God knew that I had been wanting to see this for a long time. There was always light pollution preventing it. But that night…O what a sight!
God gave me that gift. A friend was upset that there seemed to be no reason for the power outage which lasted until 9:30. I didn’t care. It gave me the opportunity to see the beautiful sky. God’s gift to me. Why? I don’t know. But, this I do know. He gave it to me.
You know God enjoys doing nice things for His children. Remember that. He is good and kind and so much more.
I will try to find a picture that resembles what I saw. My phone camera could not get a good picture. This picture is what I saw minus the mountains. I live in the middle of the USA. Prairie land. But the sky! Beautiful!
I encourage you to be aware of God and His gifts to you. He is so kind.