Passionate Christianity-Going Beyond the Average

Passionate Christianity. What does that mean? Maybe it is going beyond the average Christian experience and passionately following the Lord Jesus Christ.
I looked up the word strive in the dictionary and it said, to vie against difficluties, struggle in opposition, to contend. It is forcefully laying hold of it.
The book of Hebrews tells us to be diligent lest we drift away. Strive to enter into that rest.
Insisting. Pursuing. Taking. Striving.
All action words. Pressing forward. Pursuing with ardent zeal.
It is never being satisfied or content with the status quo.
I’m learning that each step is appropriated by faith. It doesn’t fall on our heads or right in front of us. We must strive for it. That is the fight of faith.
It is an insistence on having God. Pursuing Him with unrelenting determination. Not listening to the voices that tell us to give up, that it is asking too much, that it is too difficult. Or, those who accuse you of being super spiritual. Oh yes, there will be voices.
AW Tozer gives us some principles of spiritual growth. A.W.Tozer, Fellowship With God, Kindle Edition, p. 122-123
- You will get nothing unless you go after it.
- You may have as much as you insist upon having.
- You will have as little as you are satisfied with.
- You now have as much as you really want.
Wow! So where am I? Where are you? Are we satisfied, content with where we are or must we have more?
This isn’t for every Christian. But it is for those whose heart is not content with the status quo of their spiritual walk. They want more than the average and insist on having more. They are willing to leave behind the comforts of their lives in their pursuit of God.
Prayer – O Majesty Divine, give me a desire for You that doesn’t go away. May it cause me to seek Your face.
Words to light your path this week
Philippians 3:12 but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. ESV
Philippians 3:14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. ESV
A.W.Tozer wrote a book titled The Pursuit of God. You can purchase a hard copy, or a kindle edition, or listen to it here.