Sin, A Difficult Subject

Why do we sin? This is a difficult topic to face.
I would like to share something with you that shocked me and is not easy to swallow. It was stunning to me to see the truth about my sins. I was reading in James chapter 1 verse 14-15.
James says when we sin we choose to sin. It is our choice.
He says we are drawn away by our own lusts. Not some strange thing apart from us.
We cheat a little bit. We lie a little bit.
We get angry a little bit. We get irritated a little bit.
We complain a little.
It isn’t much, right?
Let’s be real. It isn’t a character flaw; it is sin. A choice. That puts a whole new light on that subject. One we can ignore or face up to and turn to repentance. What do you think?
Words to light your path this week-
James 1:14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin
Prayer-Holy God, we long to please You. Help us to see the truth about our sins and repent. Amen.