Announcement – Youtube Channel

Announcement – Youtube Channel

I have started reading through the Bible on YouTube. Just simply reading through the Bible one chapter at a time.

The channel is called Bible Reading with Study Guide. The above image should link to the channel.

The length of each reading is about 45-60 minutes. However, it is divided into chapters with the time stamp in the description box. That will make it more convenient for you to read one chapter or the whole daily reading as you choose.

On the homepage banner, in the lower right-hand corner you can find links to Amazon where you can purchase the study guide and a link to the free online course which is the same as the book.

Maybe you would like a Bible reading buddy or know someone who would like a Bible reading buddy. This is a place to share reading the Bible and a brief discussion as we answer the questions found in the study guide.

Let’s find out together what the Bible says. Every time I read I learn something new.

Blessings, Sheriena

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