Clue To Answered Prayer pt.1

Answered prayer is a result of faith is what we typically hear. It is what I heard recently.
But, I immediately thought that that wasn’t completely true. There is more.
God answered my prayers because He loves me.
I’m beginning to think that answered prayers are based on love.
God’s love for us.
Now, that might seem unusual, not normal, remarkable, even shocking. Definitely unconventional.
You see, I think we don’t realize how big a role God’s love plays in our relationship with Him.
It is as we learn to trust Him and know that God loves us, that we can have faith in Him. It is when we begin to see His heart for us that we can have faith.
More next time…
Words to light your path this week –
1 John 4:19 We love Him because He first loved us.
Luke 7:13 When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not weep.”
Kind Father, our knowledge of love is so limited by human experience. To comprehend Your love we need the Holy Spirit to reveal it to us. Amen