Holy Ground

Dear Reader,
Do you sing the song “Holy Ground” in your worship service? We do. Like many, you probably feel His presence there. Where God is, is holy ground.
We sing that song at church too. But I’m wondering who goes home leaving the holy ground behind? We might leave the feelings behind, but not God.
So where is God?. He said through the prophet Jeremiah that He fills all space. And through King David, He said that David could go nowhere where God was not. King Solomon was well aware of God being everywhere.
So God is not limited to a building or a Sunday service.
Where is God? Imagine with me where God is. He is:
- in your kitchen
- your garage
- basement
- attic
- yard
- place of employment
- on the highway
- grocery store
We walk through His presence. He blankets your town and state. He contains all the universe. We live in Him. Literally. Inside God. He’s not just a shell, but He fills all space.
I recently thought of fog as a picture of His presence. What if you opened the door of your home and every door and cupboard, closet, etc. in your house then turned on a fog machine and filled your home with fog. That is an illustration of God’s presence. That is how much God is everywhere. God isn’t the fog. It just represents God. Now walk through your fog-filled house letting the truth that God is everywhere sink deep into your spirit.
Now, go with me one more step. If where God is, is holy, then everywhere we step is holy. We cannot be where He is not and where He is, is holy.
We may not acknowledge His presence. We may live in rebellion against Him. We may choose to ignore Him. We may feel His presence more at church, but He still is everywhere.
Where are you now? I’m in my dining room fully aware that He is here too. Are you aware of His presence? Do you want His presence?
What will this knowledge do to you? Will you now be able to take a step in any direction without being aware of moving through His presence?
Words to light your path this week
Psalm 139:7 Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? NKJV
Jeremiah 23:24 “Can anyone hide himself in secret places, so I shall not see Him?” says the Lord; “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” says the Lord. NKJV
1 Kings 8:27 Behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain You. NKJV
Acts 17:28 for in Him we live and move and have our being. NKJV