Sufficiency of God’s Grace For Everyday

Sufficient. What does that mean? I looked it up to find similar words. Adequate. Enough.
Do you feel like you have enough to do life or do you suffer (like many people) from inadequacy? As believers in Christ, we want to please Him, and yet so many times we fail, make a mess of things, find we are inadequate.
Paul’s Sufficiency
Apostle Paul dealt with an ongoing troubling problem and asked God to remove it. Did he claim it by faith to be gone? No. Did he search out scripture references to demand it be gone? No.
He asked God, and God said, “My grace is sufficient.” Paul learned that whatever state he was in that God’s grace was enough. Sufficient. All he needed.
Christ’s Strength in Us
Paul found that in his weakness Jesus had the chance to shine through. It was the life of Christ living in him that showed up as strength. Not Paul’s strength, but Christ’s strength.
It was not Paul saying, “See how strong I am, or how strong Jesus makes me?” No, it was, “See how strong Christ is. See how powerful God is when I rely on Him.”
God’s Grace is Our Sufficiency
Jesus’s grace is sufficient to meet any and all our needs. It is more than enough to empower us when bad things happen. He gives us copious amounts of grace when we need it the most like when we lose our job, a loved one dies, we become ill, or when our country seems to be falling apart. What about when divorce stares you in the face? Yes, His grace, His very life in you, enables you to get through the most difficult of circumstances.
We do not need to hoard His grace. It is limitless. Just like the infinitude of God, His grace is without end.
All we need. Does it mention any exceptions? No. Does all mean all? Everything? Whatever is dumped on us-
- Whatever loss we suffer
- Whatever demand is placed on us
- Whatever hunger we feel
- Whatever weakness we have to cope with
- Whatever fatigue we face
- Whatever monotonous place in life we find ourselves
Are you ready to draw from Him all you need? I couldn’t find a youtube video of this song. Maybe you will enjoy reading the lyrics. His Grace is Sufficient.
Words to light your path this week
- 2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” NKJV
- Romans 8:35, 37 “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” NKJV
- 2 Peter 1:3-4 says, “as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us…” NKJV
Prayer – Lord God, You have all we need for life. Jesus promised us an abundant life. Help us see that these are not just words, they are truth. Help us to please You by believing Your words and drawing from You all we need each day.
He Giveth More Grace Don Moen
Drawing on the Grace of God–Now Oswald Chambers