Being Whole

“A whole person is God in a person,” Norman P. Grubb*
The Liberating Secret by Norman P. Grubb, Zerubbabel Press, Blowing Rock, North Carolina, (1955) 2010, pg. 52.
Not whole apart from God
We were created with the ability to communicate with God and be in close friendship with Him. That connection was severed. Cut off. No life. Dead. We are not whole and can never be whole apart from God. God wants to restore it. However, we must admit our need and come to Him.
God in His mercy allows us, enables us to see our “not wholeness”, our incompleteness, our defect, hoping we will turn to Him.
Are you whole?
Has God allowed you to see that you are not whole? Has He let you in on the secret truth that only He, your creator, can make you whole, complete, without defect?
Or are you believing the deception that you are whole? That you are capable of being all you were meant to be? That you are in charge of your life? That you are good? Do you believe the lie that says, “I’m ok, you’re ok”?
That is the lie that Satan told Adam and Eve. They were ok and didn’t need God. What has humanity turned into? Has it gone well?
Defective is not being whole
We wish for less evil, violence, and intolerance, but it only seems to get worse. Whatever legislation is implemented, it seems that moral character does not improve. Why? Is there something we are missing? Could it be our defect? Are we spiritually blind?
In our defective state, we are still spiritual people, just not connected to God, trying to live as if we see correctly, not realizing we are actually blind.
Could it be what we see today in the world around us is the direct result of being cut off from our creator? According to the Bible, it is the consequence of living independently of our creator, the outcome of being born defective, living blindly in a world of darkness.
How we can obtain wholeness?
Apostle Paul told the believers in Colossae, “In Him you are complete.” Colossians 2:10 Receiving Jesus as our Savior reconnects us spiritually with God. What was broken is now connected. Now, as believers, we can see. We now have God living in us making us complete, whole.
Words to light your path
Colossians 1:13-14 He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. NKJV
Ephesians 2:5 even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ NKJV
1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. NKJV
Prayer, Great Father in Heaven, You have provided a way to be reconnected to You to make us whole, complete. Thank You. Amen
For more on this topic:
Complete in Christ by Cindy Galdal-Ruperto
Nature of Reconciliation by Oswald Chambers
May I offer a suggestion to help you grow spiritually? Take each of the verses mentioned in this post and in the sidebar and one at a time marinate in them for a day or two before moving to the next verse. Let the word of God feed your spirit and transform you.