Perfectly Aligned

Perfectly Aligned

Looking down a perfectly balanced bridge at a sunset with cross in the foreground, aligned.

We were designed to be one spirit with God. Hearts sharing with each other. Nothing between each of us and God. Aligned.

Independent living causes misalignment

But Adam and Eve chose to listen to the tempter’s words promising them a wonderful life lived independent of God. It appealed to their pride. They didn’t know how messed up life could get. Today it still appeals to humans. Isn’t that the message? We can be anything we want to be. We are in charge of our destiny. 

We are each born out of agreement with God. Separated from Him. Defective. Out of alignment. 

Today we still think we can do very well on our own. However, God has created us to be connected to Him. So we are missing out on our destiny by choosing to be out of agreement with Him. Out of alignment. 

Are you your own boss? You view independence and self-sufficiency as the best plan? Did you know living independently is out of alignment? God designed us to be connected to His spirit which would then animate our spirit which in turn would control our soul (mind, will, emotions) which would control our body. 

How to be aligned

My soul was never meant to be in control. Until I give control to God, surrender to Him, unease, emptiness, and lack of peace will be the result. Out of alignment, no agreement with His Spirit. Apart from God, separated from God the soul is in charge, in control leaving me feeling that something is missing. Not grounded. Not centered. 

To yield the life unto God is the first step in a continuous walk in the Spirit. This step takes us by our own choice out of the realm of self-will into the realm of God’s will. In yielding to Christ we definitely align ourselves with the perfect will of God and choose it to be  the rule of our lives in all things forever afterward.

Life on the Highest Plane, Ruth Paxson, Moody Bible Institute, 1978, p.326

Spiritually aligned

The life of perfect alignment is wonderful. Surprisingly so. Giving up our independence seems like something terrible but is really quite terrific. Don’t let the deceiver convince you otherwise. He is a liar. He cannot stand God and doesn’t want anyone to be part of God’s family. Even when he loses one to God through the new birth, he still tries his best to keep us from knowing that complete surrender to God brings our life into complete alignment with God. A life of peace, contentment, and joy. Trouble free? No. However, it just looks different. As bad as life might get, from the position of perfect alignment, we still see Jesus and find Him completely satisfactory.

“The spirit of man joined to the Risen Lord, is to be again the ruling power, governing the ‘soul,’ controlling the mind, the emotions and dispositions, and then the body the obedient vehicle at the command of God through the ‘new creation.’ This is the meaning of the Cross. The precious blood cleanses the heart, the affections, but the Cross deals with the old creation.”

The Centrality of the Cross, Jessie Penn-Lewis, Jawbone Digital pub.,2017,p.71

Even born-again believers can be out of alignment. That happens when we allow our soul to be in control when we allow our mind, will, or emotions to dictate how we live, how we react. We allow our soul to usurp the rightful authority of our spirit. Take it away from God’s spirit.

Our spirit is one spirit with Christ. But, when we look away from our source, when we choose not to listen to the Holy Spirit, our soul is in control. Out of alignment. Discord, emptiness, unease and no inner peace is the result. 

Choose to be aligned

We were designed to be in communion constantly with our creator. Independent living leaves us alone, on our own. We may be confused feeling like we have been abandoned. When in reality, it is we that have abandoned God, turned away from Him. We aren’t abandoned, just separated. Not because God has left us, but we have left Him even for a short time to do what our soul wants. Running our own life even with God’s help is still the soul in charge.


  • Peace
  • No strife
  • No confusion
  • No differences
  • In agreement

Day by day walking with God I know I will be who I was meant to be. Completely fulfilled. Aligned. Spirit connected to God. My spirit in control of my soul (mind, will, emotions), and my soul in control of my body. Perfect alignment.

Words to light your path

1 Cor. 6:17  But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him.

John 14:20  At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you…

John 17:21  that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me


Creator God, You have designed us to have a relationship with You with our spirit inhabited by Your spirit. Then with our spirit in control of our soul which would be controlling our bodies, we would be perfectly aligned. We would have peace.  Help us to surrender to Your design, Your will.

To read further about alignment this week:

Fellowship in the Gospel

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