It Is Well With My Soul – Peace With God

Can you say, “It is well with my soul?”
If we are uncertain whether or not we have His approval can leave us in a state of fear, dread, and anxiety. Did you know we are born spiritually dead and cut off from our creator? Until that condition changes, we will not have true peace. It will not be well with our souls.
We were created to be one with our creator. That connection was severed when the sin of independence entered the picture, and it is the same cause today.
How can we have peace with God?
We must first be reconciled to God through the way He provides. All who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as their only hope of salvation will be born again and have the right to be called His child (John 1:12). It is at that point in time, that experience, that reestablishes the connection. We are now where we were meant to be.
So how can children of God have peace in their souls in the middle of life’s conflicts and stress? This is where everyday life comes into the picture. Peace every day. Every night. Peace whether life goes smoothly or is crashing down around you. What if you lose your source of income? What if your child struggles in school? What if your adult child is going through a divorce? What if you are going through a divorce? Or maybe a storm has damaged your home. Tough circumstances, right?
What prevents peace?
Our circumstances? No, it is our must haves and must not haves. You know what I mean. I must have this or that. Or I will not have this or that in my life or family. Believing we know more than God. Not believing He loves us enough to care for us. The One who sees the end from the beginning is gently hovering over us wanting us to trust Him. He knows what is best. Just like we know what is best for a toddler. Yes, we are children in His sight. In fact, we are to become like little children to Him. Come as a child trusting Him.
Toddlers don’t know what is best, so they put up a fuss when they don’t get their way. So too, we put up a fuss by getting a tension headache, sinking into depression, or maybe getting angry when we don’t get what we think is best.
Trusting God. Not trusting Him to give us what we want, but trusting God period. Trusting in His loving care for us and for those we care about. When we know we are safe in His hands, and we can trust Him every day, all will be well with our souls.
How many scripture references are there encouraging us to fear not? To fret not? I’m told there is one for every day of the year.
Apostle Paul tells us that as we trust God, the peace of God will guard our hearts. Do we guard our hearts or does God guard our hearts? Philippians 4:6-7
Words to light your path
Colossians 3:15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. NKJV
2 Thessalonians 3:16 Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. NKJV
Isaiah 26:3 You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. NKJV
Our Father in Heaven, Hold our hands as we step out in faith trusting You for all of life, every day in every circumstance. It is then we can say with Horatio G. Spafford, “It is well with my soul.”
For you to consider this week:
The Very Peace of Christ by David Wilkerson